Sunday, June 14, 2015

Smoking was an Adventure

Smoking at Brentwood was frowned on and could result in six stripes on your bottom from a cane if caught, so if you were a committed smoker, it paid to be inventive.  One way to have a smoke was to take one of the Flying Junior sailboats out into the bay for a sail.  Knowing how to sail helped, but was not essential.  Just keep the mainsail between you and the school and smoke away.  It was not uncommon for Head David McKenzie in the 60's to watch students with binoculars from his office, so smoking was a one direction activity.  You knew what they were doing when you saw students with life jackets, toothpaste, toothbrush, mouth wash and Aquavelvet after shave heading for the docks.  Smoking is bad for you.

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