Friday, June 12, 2015

Hiding in a Closet

Once upon a time in the 60's, a pair of prospective parents were being given a tour of Brentwood College.  All students were given fair notice to stow all their gear, dust their shelves and stay out of their dorms until the tour was over.  There was a young man from Nanton AB who had played a strenuous game of rugby, showered and ran up to his room for a particularly tempting bag of Oreo cookies he had received in a family care package. (food from home was a tradition)
When he dashed up the Ellis House staircase to the top floor, darted into his room, popped the lid of his trunk and started munching Oreos.  At that same moment, he heard the steel door latch at the bottom of the staircase click open and footsteps start up the stairs with full polite conversation between the parents and the tour guide.
Our student from Nanton dashed to the closet with bag in hand and stood in the dark munching and listening.  As they entered his dorm room, the tour guide went straight for the closet while saying, "And look at the size of the clothes closet", while whipping the door open.  That student was brought into the Headmaster's office and introduced to the cane with 6 strips. ( see below )

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